Wednesday, 13 July 2011

room 1057

changed hotels today. to the hotel across the street, basically. naive as i am, i thought that i would be able to move in to the apartment as soon as london had said yes. found out last night that wasn't the case. went to the reception to ask for an extended stay only to find out there were no rooms available. hence the move to the other side of the street (to where i actually took a taxi, but before blaiming me you should see my massive suitcase not to mention all the stationary i had to carry).

very nice hotel though. i get complimentary drinks in the executive lounge, every evening between 6 pm and 8 pm. got my room at about 7.45, decided to check out the drinks. went to the restaurant, got re-directed to the bar and then again to the lounge. rushed in at 7.57 an managed to get a drink. gratis är gott, as we say in swedish.

also went out for dinner and when returning to the hotel, i took the lift up to the 10th floor, but couldn't find my room number. thought i must have gotten into the wrong lift because the corridors looked a bit different as well. went down again and to the reception.

me: hi, just checked in today. i'm in room 1057, but can't find it.
reception guy (looking slightly bemused): we don't have a room 1057.
me (starting to realise something is wrong): hihiahahahahaahahahahahaaaaaa...
reception guy (looking more worried now): if you have your key card i can check.
me (trying my best to stop laughing): is this not the furama hotel?
reception guy: no, furama is next door.

i walk away, laughing to myself. funniest singapore moment so far.


  1. Haha, tur de inte hade ett rum 1057, det hade ju varit pinsamt om du sått där och fiplat med ditt kort och ryckt i dörren :-)

  2. Gör du inget annat än äter och dricker där borta?! ;) Lyxlirare!

  3. Anna, det hade varit sjukt pinsamt. På det gamla hotellet råkade jag göra en sån grej. Hissen stannade på femte våningen (bodde på sjätte) fastän ingen i hissen hade tryckt på den knappen. Jag trodde ju naturligtvis att det var min våning, gick fram till "min" dörr, såg att "do not disturb"-lampan lyste och tänkte att jag nog hade råkat slå på den av misstag. Fipplade med kortet och upptäckte sedan att det stod 525 och inte 625. Som tur var verkade ingen märka nåt och i vilket fall var jag ju i alla fall på rätt hotell.

    Ampe, nope, det är det enda jag gör. =)

  4. that is unbelievably funny and i guess you were not even drunk!? ;-)would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that! hahaha - 'stupid foreigners' are everywhere - love it!
    big hug xxx
